Thursday, May 12, 2005

On Paris and Nicole

On Paris and Nicole

Subtitle: On This Great Concept: THINK VALENTINO and PRADA!

When Cuz and I were younger, we'd always dress alike and get the same stuff. Every Christmas, our relatives would get us the same gifts, with just a variation in color or something. She's get yellows and I'd get the pinks, usually. Cuz, remember the matching nightgowns? Hahaha! We were both obsessed with Nancy Drew (Oh, Ned) and the Hardy Boys! But she ended up being the bigger bookworm, reading all these omega thick novels.

We were never really super duper close although we went to the same high school (Go, St. Scho) and she also studied in AC. I am older by just 3 months and 5 days so we're the magka-contemporary in the family. Ever since she moved to 'Pleasantville' last year, we grew much, much closer... which is actually kinda weird... but truly special. We'd text almost everyday and I make it a point to call her. We love the same movies and TV shows and take pleasure in memorizing and mimicking lines from it. Super fun!!!

When we visited her Apr 27, I was immensely happy seeing her and hanging out with her. "Oh Meredith"! Our distance made me realize how much I value her and she's been a real best friend to me.

We now have this grand plan of starting our own boutique. We love to accessorize and shop and talk about beads, and clothes and shoes and bags and all that girly stuff. Can't wait to start this venture with her. It'll be a surefire hit!

Go Paris and Nicole! Can I BE any more sentimental? Hahaha!

Thinkbit: We are actually wearing matching outfits in this picture, which was taken at a mall in Singapore. Those black Jack Russels are our attempt at doin' a Paris and Nicole. Fabulous!

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