Tuesday, September 26, 2006

On Starting Anew

It's as if I was in a coma for so long and Prince Charming finally kissed me on the lips to wake me up from my deep slumber.

I'm back! And I've never felt SO good. Life has been nothing but generous to me... Business has been action-packed. My projects are all finally over and I can sit back, relax, and wait for the dough to start pouring in. I have an upcoming trip to Bangkok with Cuz... something that has had me awake and restless for the past few nights. I'm just soooooooooo excited to leave!!! And then there's this undeniable twinkle in my eye that only love and passion can provide. ;) I've been so blessed.

And hopefully, now that I'm 'awake', I can get to write more entries again. Ahhh...

This was taken during my recent Bohol vacation. That was just THE most perfect day...