Tuesday, May 31, 2005

On Being God's Mongol

"Lord, send out your Spirit and renew the face of the Earth".

This morning, there was a special confirmation mass in celebration of our parish fiesta. I was assigned as lector and I got so excited and tense after I heard that it was Bishop Jesse Mercado who was celebrating mass.

His sermon was beautiful! He explained thoroughly the four primary reasons why one receives the sacrament of confirmation.

1) To melt us -- our stubborness and hardened hearts
2) To mold us -- to become better Christians
3) To fill us -- with the power of the Holy Spirit
4) To use us -- as instruments of God

Then he said, that we should always remember that we are God's pencils. Again, he gave us four principles:

1) That just like a pencil, our beauty and purpose lies within us.
2) That just like a pencil, we will go thru life and will be sharpened by our experiences.
3) That just like a pencil, we will only serve our purpose if Someone holds us in His hand. God's loving hand.
4) And most importantly, just like a pencil, MAKE A MARK.

And I went on with my day doing just that. And it feels great!