Saturday, April 14, 2007

On Turning 28

I've reached the point in my life where everything is just how I want it. Well, not EVERYTHING. But it's almost as if I have conquered the world and God's giving out the lotto jackpot with me as his target (yey!)!

I have been extremely blessed the past year. And who would have ever thought that God had more plans up His sleeve. The agency is overflowing with projects that I am actually here at work now finishing a lot of stuff. It's a Saturday, for crying out loud! I should be in my room watching Startalk....

My team surprised me the night before my birthday and it's fantastic to feel loved and appreciated. I was able to take my parents on a romantic trip to Singapore and my brothers are doing well in school. I have ten cute little babies, all of whom now have their fab stroller to sleep in. I've been super active in church, serving as the president of the Lectors & Commentator's Guild and it's been an awesome ride. I'm teaching in Assumption this June. I've been wanting to teach since God knows when and now, I have this chance to give back to my Alma Mater and show the new AC girls some tricks of the trade.

And I have this light beaming from within me, an inner glow that has been undeniable all because of this one great love I never thought I'd ever find.

This life is precious and I thank God for it. I thank Him every day for being so generous and protecting of me.

Now it's time to start another year. And I know it'll be absolutely kick-ass.