Wednesday, August 17, 2005

On My Immediate Urge To Blog

Guilty as charged!

I haven't blogged in ages and I feel like throwing up just thinking about it! I missed this! Just a quick rundown...

Our HK family vacation was a tremendous success! Although I wasn't able to shop as much, the sights we visited were awesome! I particularly loved our trip to Lantao to see the biiiig Buddha sitting on top of this mountain. Will post pictures soon.

When I got home, I was back to being a workaholic. In fact, just came from Iloilo over the weekend for an event. Projects keep coming. I had a a bid briefing this morning in Nestle and I'm looking forward to working on the concept. Hopefully we bag it!

It's been a downpour of blessings and I couldn't thank Him enough for being so generous and loving and for always looking after me and my family and the agency.

More stories soon. Lemme just get back to doing my events plan for a PLDT Launch...