Tuesday, October 04, 2005

On What I Have Been Up To

Work has taken over my life. My calendar for the year is all filled up that I can't even squeeze in a much needed vacation to Singapore. MILO, MAGGI, PLDT, PBA and STANDARD CHARTERED have kept us all on our feet. We wake up at 5:00am only to go home at 11:00pm, still with tons of work left. The greatest reward though is that this has been our best year ever and I got to travel and help a lot in the house, which is what really matters.

I missed blogging and talking about my day. But even my passion for blogging had to be set aside because of the many things we have to settle here in the agency. Anyway, I am eating dinner as I write this... yummy Chao Fan, tofu and kangkong with bagoong from Chowking (this is the ultimate combo, I tell ya!). After which I have to go back to work. I haven't slept since yesterday so imagine how sore my eyes feel. Anyway, who's complaining? I'm blessed and I'm lovin' every second of this...